July 27, 2011


My Mum used to say that her Dad (Grampa) told her you were born with two ears and one mouth for a reason... listen... Here's Bill Cooper's important radio talks on Mystery Babylon (Oct 10, 1994)....

(part 1):  http://vimeo.com/26346342 

(part 2):  http://vimeo.com/26380936

I have listened... and I know this much is true... that the word 'listen' when it is re-arranged is 'silent' ..
President Bill Clinton referred to Cooper as the 'most dangerous radio host in America'...
Milton William ("Bill") Cooper, author, short wave radio host, ex-military, father, husband and warrior... was murdered by the Apache County Sheriff's office who were attempting to serve Cooper with a warrant... they gunned him down in a shoot-out on his own property in Arizona ... rest in peace soldier for truth, peace, justice and liberty... May 6, 1943 - November 6, 2001 ... Let his words we a warning to all who have a mind and heart and soul that knows the difference between right and wrong... it is not too late to be forgiven and to give up your secrets and your oath to a secret society...  God will forgive you... God help us all..