September 7, 2011

iLOVE the hemp revolution!

I really support the freedom to grow and be free... why not.. a plant that grows naturally is not a problem...   .. if you don't know about Marc's story.. its worth looking into....

His wife Jody does a lot of work and shares a lot of how things are going in the hemp movement... 
Here's an article recently from Cannabis Culture magazine....

To me now.. at this time.. its all tying in together...  its about freedom and liberty to live and be healthy... because Rick Simpson (like me who is not a pot smoker) has done a lot for healthcare and promoting hemp oil as a cure for many disease and illnesses .. more at 

I wish more people understood the lying propaganda machine that was created to make 'hemp' which is 'marijuana' into an illegal substance.. its so ridiculous... and unnecessary.... Here's Jack talking in 2003 with Marc Emery:! [he talks about policies..... he later joins the United Nations tho... so actions speak louder than any words]

But keep in mind it was the United Nations in the 30s that banned hemp... its a globalists issue to be honest.. and what people don't necessarily understand is that people like recently deceased Jack Layton was signed on with the U.N. as a globalist (global parliament) so the control grid is massive and widespread... here is a link to show who else has sold out Canada...   .. that's the education that needs to be given... because even Jody Emery in her talk here appears not to have made this connection... governments don't work for us, and they have not for a long time.. but she is right about talking to each other about this info..